Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Numbers are in!

Today was the Big Day! I stepped on scale and took all stats within about 20 min of waking up this morning.

So as the say "Let's cut to the chase"

Weight: 293.1
BMI: 41.5
Fat %: 39.6

A quick recap:

August 2009: 323 lbs
October 2009: 317 lbs (gym workouts begin and eating habits change)
November: 310 lbs
December: 301 lbs (weight training and working with a trainer starts)

I am down about 30 lbs since August. I am motivated and have realized I CAN DO THIS! I just need to stay on track and not get Lazy!

Today, I have a few things to do around the house and some errands to run, but I will be back at the gym to start my week off this evening.

As for future weigh-ins go I will be doing them the first Sunday of each month. I think this will provide me with a consistent schedule to measure my goals.

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